Discover auld (old!) Edinburgh and spend the better part of a day following your host through the quirky, cranky, swanky, antique streets of this utterly charming Scottish city.
Start the day in a secret garden or discover hidden closes (the Scottish word for alley) like World’s End Close. From there you could visit The Georgian House and experience how wealthy Edinburgh residents lived in the mid 18th century. Old Edinburgh has a vibrant art scene and the City Art Centre hosts a variety of design and photography exhibitions.
Immerse yourself in all things literature and explore the Scottish Storytelling Centre. There are even poems inscribed into the pavements in this city - ask your host to take you to see one of two of these hidden gems, which most people walk straight over.
Whether you’d like to visit a pub which comes with its own four-legged guardian, explore fascinating bookstores, uncover the oldest nooks in the most ancient of neighborhoods or simply stroll through one of the parks that boast the brisk beauty of the highlands. As the beating heart of the highlands, Edinburgh is full of folklore and traditions that date back to their pagan roots.
3 hours with your host
Locals insider's knowledge
Walking experience
Food and drinks
Transport costs
Tickets to any attractions
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