Explore Florence on a guided walking tour visiting the most significant sites and monuments of the city, through its fascinating historic center, accompanied by a certified guide, discovering the secrets of this city so loved by tourists from all over the world.
The capital of Tuscany is one of the most sought-after destinations in the world for its timeless charm. Florence, the city of the Medici, is the cradle of the Renaissance and home to some of the world's most important artistic masterpieces in its famous museums and art galleries. On this tour, you'll pass by the Church of Santa Maria Novella, Santa Maria del Fiore, you'll see Piazza della Repubblica, Strozzi Palace, and much more.
Discover with an expert guide the history and secrets of Florence as you stroll through its splendid historic center and fall in love with a city of unparalleled beauty.
Private Tour
Blue Badge Gästeführer
Tickets für Attraktionen
Sie erhalten eine Erstattung in Höhe von 50%, wenn Sie bis zu 24 Tage vor Ihrem Erlebnis stornieren., Sie erhalten eine Erstattung in Höhe von 100%, wenn Sie bis zu 48 Stunden vor Ihrem Erlebnis stornieren.
Für diese Buchung fallen keine zusätzlichen Kosten an.
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