Sit back, breathe deep, and discover an entirely new way to explore California aboard a custom-built, two-person electric railbike!
Your guide will lead you and your small group on your pedal-powered vehicles on a roughly one-and-a-half hour roundtrip along the Pudding Creek Estuary in peaceful quiet, with a 30-minute stopover at historic Glen Blair Junction. You may see osprey, blue herons, and other wildlife during your ride.
Your railbike features an electric assist that you can optionally use to help traverse the slight incline on your return trip (or just to enjoy a more leisurely journey).
Railbike rental
Sie erhalten eine Erstattung in Höhe von 100%, wenn Sie bis zu 24 Stunden vor Ihrem Erlebnis stornieren.
Für diese Buchung fallen keine zusätzlichen Kosten an.
Skunk Train
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