Step on the famous Skunk Train and prepare for Wolf Tree Turn, a 2-hour roundtrip scenic journey departing from the Willits valley floor and traveling over the summit of the rail line with an elevation of 1,740 feet.
During this trip, you will pass through Tunnel #2 and descend into the redwood-thick Noyo River Canyon, stopping briefly at Crowley while you enjoy the splendor of one of the oldest and most iconic trees along our route. You will get a chance to get off the train for a bit at Crowley.
Ticket to Skunk Train's Wolf Tree Turn
Sie erhalten eine Erstattung in Höhe von 100%, wenn Sie bis zu 24 Stunden vor Ihrem Erlebnis stornieren.
Für diese Buchung fallen keine zusätzlichen Kosten an.
299 East Commercial Street Willits, California 95490
This trip departs from the Skunk Train depot in Willits.
Skunk Train
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