Una vera festa per i sensi vi attende in Costiera Amalfitana. In un piccolo gruppo, vi sposterete da un villaggio all'altro in autobus, scorgendo il mare alla fine di vicoli tortuosi e assorbendo la pura bellezza di questa destinazione famosa in tutto il mondo. Scoprite il fascino di Positano e il panorama dell'alta Ravello con un pranzo in cima alla collina. Francesca, una delle nostre esperte guide locali, dice: "Per me la vera Costiera Amalfitana si vive al meglio nei villaggi arroccati sul mare. È qui che si può vedere la magia di queste montagne scoscese coperte di limoneti, che scendono verso le onde blu sottostanti".
Questo tour offre un tocco più personale. Per prima cosa, vi fermerete nel villaggio di Positano, circondato dalla scogliera, dove ogni casa sembra essere sovrapposta all'altra. Questo splendido insieme di case colorate aggrappate al fianco della montagna è uno dei classici d'Italia. Dopo un breve tour, godetevi un po' di tempo libero prima di partire per il pranzo in un ristorante a conduzione familiare situato nel villaggio collinare di Pontone. Francesa aggiunge: "Pontone è uno dei miei luoghi preferiti della Costiera Amalfitana perché è il villaggio più antico della regione ed è ancora così autentico: un gioiello poco conosciuto con una vista epica".
Infine, vi recherete nella splendida Ravello, dove la vostra guida vi mostrerà il villaggio con il suo Duomo ornato risalente all'XI secolo e una serie di sontuose ville con viste incredibili sulla costa. Dopo la visita guidata, avrete tempo libero per esplorare la città.
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Nat Geo Day Tour - A Deep Dive into Ancient Roman Life: Pompeii & Oplontis
Begin with a short drive to the foothills of Mt. Vesuvius and the ruins of Pompeii, an ancient city preserved by volcanic eruption. Wander down cobblestone streets to the Forum, once the hub of Roman life. Follow ancient paths to grand spaces like the House of the Faun with its rich mosaics. Sit in the arena of the theater and study the colossal columns of the Basilica. You'll also visit areas of everyday life like the baths and taverns. Your final stop at this site will be Casa della Regina Carolina, one of the ancient city's largest homes located in an elite neighborhood near the Forum. Learn insights into the ongoing research started by National Geographic Explorer Caitlin Ellis Barret as you discover the house and the daily domestic activities of its wealthy inhabitants. After a light lunch, continue your journey to the port of Torre Annunziata, where you'll descend below street level to ancient Oplontis. As a protected UNESCO World Heritage Site, the area and its two sprawling villas boast some of the best-preserved wall paintings of the Roman period. Your specialist archeological guide will offer historical, cultural and architectural context as you take in Oplontis' wonders. Once inhabited by the Roman elite, marvel at Pompeiian-style frescoes and mosaics, finished with deep azures, oranges, and sunny golds. The intricate use of colour and shading gives these paintings a three-dimensional feel, adding a lifelike quality to these ancient scenes.
Nat Geo Day Tour: Gragnano, the Epicenter of Dried Pasta Production
Embark on an unforgettable adventure through Gragnano, the epicenter of dried pasta production. The tour starts with a picturesque bus ride along the Sorrentine Coast, offering panoramic views. Throughout the day, your National Geographic-trained guide will provide intriguing insights into Campanian culture. Your first destination is the idyllic Valley of the Mills, nestled between the towns of Sorrento, Naples and the Amalfi Coast. Here, you'll have the rare privilege of exploring the historical site, together with a local historian and retired miller who is dedicated to this important restoration project. He will explain in detail the ingenious engineering that powered the mills, a captivating revelation exclusively reserved for National Geographic travelers. As you take a leisurely stroll through this lush landscape, you can connect with the natural beauty that has inspired generations. The next stop is a renowned pasta factory with deep-rooted traditions. Prepare to be amazed by the creativity of chief pasta maker, Antonino Moccia, and the factory's 140 different shapes of pasta, some of which are patented. Accompanied by the factory's owner, you'll embark on a tour of the museum, hearing intimate stories that have shaped this industry over the centuries. Before the tour ends, you will don protective garments and go backstage to the production area to see the pasta-making process step by step, gaining a deeper appreciation for the artistry and precision that goes into crafting each piece of pasta. You'll discover the meticulous packaging techniques that ensure the final product reaches homes around the world in pristine condition.
Amalfi Coast Gems Tour with Positano, Pontone and Ravello
A real feast for the senses. This excursion along the Amalfi Coast has it all. In a small group, you'll trundle from village to village, exploring every nook and cranny and soaking up the beauty of this world-famous coastline. Discover Positano and Ravello with a delicious lunch in a family-run restaurant in between.
Capri day and night tour with local guide and boat trip
Playground for everyone from Hollywood stars to the ancient Greeks, Capri is a dazzling gem in the Neapolitan Riviera. You'll speed across by hydrofoil in the mid-afternoon to pass the evening doing exactly as you wish. Only TUI offers this excursion, when most day-trippers have left the island.
Like nearby Pompeii, ancient Herculaneum suffered a similar fate at the hands of Vesuvius erupting in 79AD. Fortunately, archaeologists have managed to excavate parts of the city, and this half-day tour will show you what they've managed to unearth so far.
Of all the Roman ruins in Italy, none is as poignant or fascinating as Pompeii. More than a moment frozen in time, it's a window into past. You'll discover its remarkably well-preserved houses and landmark sites on this morning excursion to this UNESCO Word Heritage Site.
A Taste of Naples Street Food Tour with Local Guide
Naples is rich in heritage and culinary culture – and this walking tour combines both to give you a real taste of the city. You'll dip in and out of old town eateries, bakeries and markets sampling Neapolitan delights in edible and edifice formats.
Mount Vesuvius Crater Tour with Lunch at a Vineyard
This full day tour has a perfect pairing – a climb up to the crater of Mt Vesuvius followed by lunch and a tasting at a vineyard that grows Lacryma Christi wine. It'll bring you closer to the awesome intensity of mainland Europe's only active volcano and amaze you with life borne out of its volcanic soil.
Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius select tour with local lunch
A real history fest, this tour first takes you to Pompeii, which lay buried under volcanic ash for centuries. After a guided tour and a light lunch, you'll then visit the summit of Mt Vesuvius, the only active volcano on Europe's mainland.
Pompeii and Herculaneum Select Tour with Local Lunch
This tour takes you to Pompeii and Herculaneum to discover two of the world's greatest archaeological sites. Buried by Mt Vesuvius almost 2,000 years ago, they offer a fascinating and at times haunting insight into ancient Roman life.