Questo tour privato punta i riflettori sulle magnifiche aree interne e sui paesaggi costieri di Madeira. In esclusiva per voi e il vostro gruppo, visiterete luoghi di interesse come il villaggio di Ribeira Brava, Porto Moniz, Paúl da Serra e il Passo di Encumeada. Mariana, una delle nostre esperte guide locali, dice: "Conoscerete il vero dramma dei paesaggi di Madeira. Potrete avere la fortuna di vedere l'oceano sia a nord che a sud dal Passo di Encumeada, ma i punti più alti dell'isola a volte catturano le nuvole".
La prima destinazione sarà il grazioso villaggio di Ribeira Brava, con il suo attraente lungomare dietro la spiaggia. Le vedute lungo la valle verso l'interno dell'isola danno un'idea degli impressionanti paesaggi che esplorerete quando vi dirigerete verso l'interno. Mariana aggiunge: "Viaggiando, vi accorgerete che nessun pezzo di terra fertile è sprecato a Madeira: persino i ripidi pendii delle colline intorno a Ribiera Brava sono terrazzati per le coltivazioni." Poi, è il momento di fare una passeggiata in una piantagione di banane a Madalena do Mar.
Poi si sale sull'altopiano di Paúl da Serra, alto 1.500 metri, prima di scendere a Porto Moniz, famoso per le sue piscine naturali di roccia lavica. Nel villaggio ci attende un pranzo tipico preparato con prodotti locali. Poi, attraversando da nord a sud, ci avventureremo sul Passo dell'Encumeada per godere di una vista mozzafiato su tutta l'isola. La giornata si conclude con una dimostrazione e una degustazione della bevanda poncha a Câmara de Lobos, luogo di vacanza preferito da Winston Churchill. Mariana dice: "Fate attenzione: il poncha è così fruttato e rinfrescante, ma nasconde una forte carica di brandy".
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Nat Geo Day Tour: Sustainable Agriculture in Quinta Pedagógica da Camacha
Drive through Funchal's bustling town and Madeira's magnificent rolling hills towards Quinta Pedagogica da Camacha, a small farm committed to sustainable agriculture. Here, your National Geographic-trained guide will offer insights into the region and introduce you to the farm's owner, Bruno Santos. Having left accounting for agriculture, Bruno now dedicates his life to helping his neighborhood through sustainable farming, a lowered environmental footprint, and community outreach. Follow Bruno through flowering groves as you explore the grounds. You'll learn about the many uses for their freshly grown herbs and visit their strawberry plantation. Observe the fields and poios—what Madeirans call the terraced areas where they grow their crops—as you learn about the farm's produce and animal husbandry. The farm is home to various animals including chickens, goats, sheep, and more. There's even a small market Bruno created, to help other local vendors reach their greater community, inspired by the ‘buy local' mantra. You'll also experience a host of seasonal activities, offered exclusively to National Geographic travelers. Harvest ripe fruits and learn the proper techniques for sowing seeds in a planting workshop. This hands-on learning environment brings Bruno's sustainability and bio-friendly philosophy to life. Afterwards, you'll relax and enjoy refreshing tea brewed from the farm's own herbs, as well as homemade cakes, toast, and jams preserved from local fruits.
de, en
Enchanting East Madeira Tour with Lunch in Santana
The knockout natural beauty of eastern Madeira is in the spotlight on this full day tour. You'll have your head in the clouds at Pico do Areeiro, walk next to cute thatched houses in Santana, have lunch at Quinta do Furão and step back in time at Ponta de São Lourenço.
en, fr
Madeira South Coast Cruise on Living Sea with Lunch
Madeira's southwest coast is the star of this all-inclusive cruise. After setting out from the port in Funchal, you'll head up the coast to Cais da Lapa for some swimming. The best part is that with a maximum of 52 guests on board, you'll have all the space and attentive service you need.
es, en, fr, pt
Pico do Arieiro Sunrise Tour with Local Breakfast
Seeing sunrise from the top of one of Madeira's highest peaks will have you reaching for your camera over and over again. And this exclusive morning trip to Pico do Arieiro promises just that – views over Madeira during the mystical first light of the day, followed by a warming breakfast.
en, pt
Madeira dramatic west coast tour with lunch in Porto Moniz
Madeira's magnificent scenery takes centre stage on this full day tour. You'll visit a selection of highlights including Cabo Girao Cliff and it's glass-floored platform, Porto Moniz and Paúl da Serra. Mariana, one of our expert local guides, says "you'll get to know the true drama of Madeira's landscapes. You might be lucky enough to see the ocean both to the north and the south from Encumeada Pass, but the highest points on the island do sometimes catch the clouds."Your first destination will be the Cabao Girao Cliff, where you can step out onto its glass-floored platform that stretches out over the edge. The coastal views here are some of the best around, so don't forget your camera. Mariana adds, "the cliff is around 580 metres high, making it one of the tallest in Europe. The views from the skywalk are really something else, and its experience that'll stick with you." Then, you'll head to the coastal town of Riberia Brava, before a stroll through a banana plantation in Madalena do Mar.Next, we'll head up the 1,500m-high Paúl da Serra plateau before descending on Porto Moniz, famous for its natural lava rock swimming pools. A typical lunch freshly prepared with local produce awaits in the village. Rounding off the day is a poncha drink demonstration and tasting in Câmara de Lobos – a favourite holiday spot of Winston Churchill. Mariana says "be careful – poncha is so fruity and refreshing, but it hides a serious brandy kick."
en, fr
This exclusive private tour shines a light on the east of Madeira. You'll have your head in the clouds at Pico do Areeiro, walk next to cute thatched houses in Santana, have lunch at Quinta do Furão and step back in time at Ponta de São Lourenço.
de, en
Private Madeira Dramatic West Coast Tour with Lunch in Porto Moniz
This private tour shines the spotlight on Madeira's magnificent inland areas and coastal scenery. Exclusively for you and your party, you'll visit highlights including Ribeira Brava village, Porto Moniz, Paúl da Serra and Encumeada Pass. Mariana, one of our expert local guides, says, ‘You'll get to know the true drama of Madeira's landscapes. You might be lucky enough to see the ocean both to the north and the south from Encumeada Pass, but the highest points on the island do sometimes catch the clouds.'Your first destination will be the cute Ribeira Brava Village, with its appealing, seafront promenade behind the beach. The views along the valley towards the island's interior give a hint of the impressive landscapes you'll explore when you head inland. Mariana adds, ‘You'll see as you travel around that no patch of fertile land is wasted in Madeira – even the steep hillsides around Ribiera Brava are terraced to cultivate crops.' Then, it's time for a stroll through a banana plantation in Madalena do Mar.Next, we'll head up the 1,500m-high Paúl da Serra plateau before descending to Porto Moniz, famous for its natural lava rock swimming pools. A typical lunch freshly prepared with local produce awaits in the village. Then, crossing north to south, we'll venture over the Encumeada Pass for some knockout views across the island. Rounding off the day is a poncha drink demonstration and tasting in Câmara de Lobos – a favourite holiday spot of Winston Churchill. Mariana says, ‘Be careful – poncha is so fruity and refreshing, but it hides a serious brandy kick.'
de, en
Eastern Madeira Sustainable Tour in a 4x4 with Lunch
Set off on a sustainable 4x4 tour that gives back to the local economy and helps keep Madeira green. Your action-packed day takes in gems like Pico do Areeiro, UNESCO-listed laurel forests and Funchal Ecological Park. What's more, you'll do it all with the help of a local expert. Rúben, one of our guides, says, ‘Wild and untamed nature is Madeira's most precious treasure. Make memories with an experience that the world will thank you for.'During the months of October to April, your first stop is at Funchal Ecological Park, where a sustainable activity will take place, contributing to the conservation of the endemic flora of the Island and the eradication of invasive species. From May to September a visit to a historic water mill or an organic farm will be on offer instead. Next, we'll visit the towering Pico do Areeiro. One of the highest peaks on the island, it boasts wow-factor panoramas over the Atlantic Ocean.Heading off-road towards the north, you'll zigzag through an ancient laurel forest – a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1999 – on scenic trails towards the mountain town of Santana to see its steep-roofed, straw-thatched homes. After a well-deserved lunch break in a typical local restaurant, we'll round off with a pit stop at a nearby viewpoint, offering knockout coastal panoramas all the way to Madeira's easternmost point, the São Lourenço peninsula.
en, pt
Northwest Madeira 4x4 Tour with Laurisilva Forest and Lunch
Taking in coastal gems, wild forests and sustainable producers, this 4x4 tour showcases Madeira's adventurous side. You'll experience the drama of Madeira's scenery from up close and get an insight into the island's culture, too. Ruben, one of our expert local guides, says, ‘Get ready to learn the secrets of mixing poncha, the much-loved island tipple made with sugar cane rum, fresh juice and local honey. Be careful, though – poncha's fruity, refreshing taste hides a serious kick.'Starting off in Ponta do Sol, you'll get great views of the south coast from Paul da Serra, 1400m above sea level. Then it's on to Fanal, where some of the oldest Laurel trees on the island grow. Ruben says, ‘Madeira's laurel forests are the largest surviving area of primary laurisilva woods anywhere. Some of the trees are thought to be around 800 years old, and the ecosystem is largely intact. These forests host around 100 endemic species, and they are protected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.'Rumble past typical ‘poios' terraced farmland en route to Seixal beach for a swim. After this, we'll head to Chão da Ribeira to savour a tasty local lunch. Chef Sérgio will show you how to make the classic grilled beef skewer, known in Portuguese as ‘espetada', while you enjoy a glass of Madeira Wine as an apéritif. There's also a vegan burger option. To wrap up your tour, we'll visit São Vicente to meet an organic honey producer. Here, you'll learn all about honey production, and you'll try your hand at making Madeira's traditional drink, poncha.
VIP Madeira Catamaran Cruise on Luna
As soon as you step aboard the Sailing Catamaran Luna, you'll get the VIP treatment. The best part is that with a maximum of 18 guests on board, you'll have all the space and attentive service you need to enjoy your time at sea. Rodrigo, one of our expert local guides, says, ‘You pass by Cabo Girão, the second-highest sea cliffs in the world. The viewpoint at the top is often really busy, so you can enjoy seeing the cape from an alternative – and much calmer – perspective.'Madeira's southwest coast is the star of this laidback cruise, and after setting out from Funchal port, you'll head up the less-explored coast to take in the views. Settle in on deck with a cold drink in hand, and feel the Atlantic breeze in your hair. You'll glide along the intensely green coastline – soon coming upon Cabo Girão, which towers out of the sea at a height of 580 metres. You'll get to look for marine life in the clear waters at the foot of the cliffs, while the crew are on hand with drinks and snacks.Rodrigo adds, ‘While you admire Madeira's rugged coastal scenery from the sleek deck of the catamaran, you'll be glad to realise how stable and comfortable this vessel is, which allows you to fully enjoy the experience without any worries.' Make the most of the VIP on-board experience with your group before sailing back down the coastline back to base.