Beer tour in Ghent with locals20210223603521a9bdb37.jpg20210223603521a9ce6a6.jpg20210223603521ac6b92f.jpg2021022560376eb2be218.jpg
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Beer tour in Ghent with locals

Gratis kansellering
Sted: Gent
Varighet: 3 timer
Språk: English, French, Dutch
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  • Discover the local brewing culture from Gulden Draak to Crabbelaer
  • Learn about Belgium's Trappist, Lambic and other traditional brews
  • Challenge your friends during our beer game
  • Discover the real taste of hops and malts


Experience a 3-hour beer tour in Ghent with locals who share their passion!

Perfect for foodies and beer connoisseurs looking for a taste of real Ghent, this tour ventures off the typical pub crawl path thanks to legendary stories about the traditional Belgian beers. You'll enjoy beer pairing with local delicacies, not just a tasting, but an authentic, interactive beer experience with a small touch of chocolate!

Make sure your taste buds are ready because you are about to be introduced to the widest range of Belgian beers you have ever seen!

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Viktig informasjon

  • When different nationalities are mixed, the tour is offered in English
  • You must be 18+ to take this tour
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Visit of 3 beer spots

Tasting of 5 high-quality beers

Beer pairing with chocolate and other local delicacies

A passionate local host

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Hotel pick-up and drop-off


Få 100% refundert hvis du avbestiller senest 48 timer før aktiviteten begynner.


Ingen ekstra avgifter legges til denne bestillingen.


Novotel Ghent, Goudenleeuwplein 5, 9000 Gent


Meet us in front of the Novotel Ghent 10 minutes before the departure time of the tour.

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