Opplevelser i Old Town Rhodes
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Vanlige spørsmål om Old Town Rhodes
- juni 2024Bra
Sammenlagt vurdering4/5
Tour was good, the tour guide needed to hold the microphone up to her mouth, so we could hear her properly. I felt sorry for the restaurant where we h ...
- juni 2024Veldig bra
Sammenlagt vurdering5/5
Gem travel were brilliant with all excursions and their staff are amazing.
- mai 2024Veldig bra
Sammenlagt vurdering5/5
Lots of Information from guide. Good food
- mai 2024Bra
Sammenlagt vurdering4/5
Very knowledgeable guide dinner was good, we had a French group and an English group combined it made the experience twice as long as one would expect ...