Best intro tour of Dublin with a local
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Best intro tour of Dublin with a local

Gratis kansellering
Sted: Dublin
Varighet: 2 timer
Språk: English
Voucher på mobil aksepteres


  • Explore Dublin on off-the-beaten-path tracks
  • Get introduced to the city with insider tips from a local
  • Learn about the local culture and where the city gets its characteristic ambiance from


Join this guided walking tour with a local from Dublin and discover the insider spots!

Enjoy this enchanting and colorful city, and get to know the Dubs together with a local who will show you all of their favorite spots. Discover the best of "Jackeens", as locals call it, be venturing to off-the-beaten-path tracks in Dublin. You will feel as if you've stumbled into a city from another era and getting to know more about the local culture, the local spots where people like to go for a coffee or for dinner.

You will get introduced to the city as if you just met your best friend from overseas and he would be showing you his city.

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Viktig informasjon

  • This tour operates with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 participants
  • Infants (age 0-5) get free admission and don't need to reserve a ticket
  • Please make sure to provide your accurate and valid mobile phone number so that the local can get in touch with you if needed
  • Be at the meeting point 15 minutes before the start of the experience and have a fully charged phone with you
  • The itinerary, the stops, and the walking pace may vary depending on your wishes
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Guidet rundtur til fots


Få 100% refundert hvis du avbestiller senest 24 timer før aktiviteten begynner.


Ingen ekstra avgifter legges til denne bestillingen.


The Spire, O'Connell Street Upper, North City, Dublin, Ireland


Meet with the Local right by the tall sculpture "The Spire".


LocalBini AG

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