Dublin Christ Church Cathedral entrance ticket and self-guided tour2 Christ Church ( Labyrinth ) © 2020 Mick Langan 003.jpgChristchurch_7D8A8118.jpgSouth Transept View Towards St Laud.jpg4 Christ Church ( Baptistry ) © 2020 Mick Langan 012.jpg
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Dublin Christ Church Cathedral entrance ticket and self-guided tour

Gratis kansellering
Sted: Dublin
Gyldighet: Fleksibel
Språk: English, Italian, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Polish
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  • Admire the beauty of Christ Church Cathedral
  • Delve into the history of this magnificent building
  • Explore it at your own pace and see its treasures


Stroll through this 1,000-year-old cathedral in the heart of Dublin and soak up its incredible history with this admission ticket for a self-guided tour, including an audio guide. Grab your headphones, and you'll have three themes to choose from, either ‘Power and Politics’, ‘Christ Church and the City’ or ‘Music and Spirituality’.

You'll admire the beauty of Christ Church Cathedral as you explore this magnificent building at your own pace! Check out the neo-Gothic nave, discover the medieval crypt to see its historical treasures and artifacts including a mummified cat and rat, and unearth the country's first copy of the Magna Carta.

Don't miss out on this opportunity as you get to choose which theme to listen to and where to go without the hassle of following a group. Book your tickets now and get the most out of your day getting to know all about the Christ Church Cathedral.

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Viktig informasjon

Know in advance:

  • last admission is 45 minutes before closing
  • bring your own earphones/headphones to download the audio guide on your own device
  • opening hours on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays work around service times
  • please note that hand-held audio guides are subject to availability
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Admission ticket


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Få 100% refundert hvis du avbestiller senest 24 timer før aktiviteten begynner.


Ingen ekstra avgifter legges til denne bestillingen.


121 R137, Wood Quay, Dublin, Ireland


Christ Church Cathedral Dublin

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