Exclusive private guided tour through the history of Dublin with a local
Rundturer til fots
Utflukter og dagsturer
Kultur og historie
Sightseeing og tradisjoner

Exclusive private guided tour through the history of Dublin with a local

Gratis kansellering
Sted: Dublin
Varighet: 2 timer
Språk: English
Voucher på mobil aksepteres


  • Explore the historical side of Dublin with a passionate local
  • Discover unique sites that your ordinary tourist tour won’t show you
  • Visit churches and learn about various architectural styles
  • Learn the history behind the Spire and get to know more about the history of Whiskey


Discover the historical side of Dublin with a passionate local who wants to share all the best-kept secrets of Dublin with you!

Your excursion will start at Patrick's Cathedral. You will learn about the various architectural styles from different time periods and find out how the city has changed over time. From visiting churches to discovering the history behind the Spire or even getting to know more about the history of Whiskey. You will encounter unique sites that an ordinary tourist tour won’t show you.

Of course, if you want to learn about something in particular or have a special interest, just let the Local know on-site and the itinerary can be adjusted for you.

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Viktig informasjon

  • This tour operates with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 participants
  • Infants (0-5 years) can join the tour for free
  • Please make sure to provide your accurate and valid mobile phone number so that the local can get in touch with you if needed
  • Be at the meeting point 15 minutes before the start of the experience and have a fully charged phone with you
  • The itinerary, the stops, and the walking pace may vary depending on your wishes
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Guidet rundtur til fots


Få 100% refundert hvis du avbestiller senest 24 timer før aktiviteten begynner.


Ingen ekstra avgifter legges til denne bestillingen.


St Patrick's Cathedral, St Patrick's Close, Dublin, Ireland


Meet with the local right in front of the Porterhouse Temple Bar.


LocalBini AG

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Åpningstider: Vårt team er tilgjengelig 24/7

Telefonnummer: +47 67792587