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Severdigheter og guidede turer
Utflukter og dagsturer
Kultur og historie
Sightseeing og tradisjoner

Glendalough, Wicklow, Kilkenny and sheepdog herding from Dublin

Gratis kansellering
Sted: Dublin
Varighet: 10 timer
Språk: English
Tilgjengelighet: Daily
Voucher på mobil aksepteres


  • Spend a day exploring history and culture in the Emerald Isle
  • Experience and explore the fantastic little city of Kilkenny
  • Visit the Wicklow Mountains and the majestic Glendalough
  • Observe a shephard and his trained dog in action herding sheep


Leave the hustle and bustle of Dublin City behind you as you travel into the Irish countryside for an unforgettable day in the "Garden of Ireland".

Your first stop of the day is Glendalough. A stunning, secluded spot just south of Dublin, you'll be able to explore the lakes and waterfalls and discover the monastic ruined city of St.Kevin and see one of the finest round towers in Ireland. You'll have around 2 hours to soak up its beauty and discover the walks on offer.

Afterwards, you will be taken to a sheepdog herding demonstration. This is definitely a must-see for all as you see the intelligence of the sheepdogs firsthand and learn why they're the perfect farm companion. Travel through the Wicklow Mountains, admiring the changes in scenery as you head into the breathtaking ancient glacial valleys of the Wicklow Gap.

Your last stop of the day will be at Kilkenny where you'll have 2 hours to explore the city, visit its medieval castle and gardens or stroll through the cobbled streets and take in the sites.

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Viktig informasjon

  • Unfortunately, the tour is not accessible for wheelchair users or people with limited mobility
  • All times are approximate. The locations might be visited in a different order, depends on traffic and weather
  • This tour isn't suitable for children under 3 years old
  • We recommend a packed lunch as that maximize your time spend at the attractions
  • Kilkenny Castle tour is not included. Only entrance to the main Hall and the Castle Gardens
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Guided tour

Sheepdog herding demonstration

Guidet tur

Transport i buss med klimaanlegg

Opphenting og levering på bestemte steder


Ikke inkludert

Mat og drikke

Opphenting/levering på hotellet


Få 100% refundert hvis du avbestiller senest 24 timer før aktiviteten begynner.


Ingen ekstra avgifter legges til denne bestillingen.


38 Parnell Square N, Northside, Dublin, Ireland


Please meet your guide outside Dublin City Gallery, The Hugh Lane , Parnell Square North.



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