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Utflukter og dagsturer
Kultur og historie

Howth and Malahide Castle Italian tour

Gratis kansellering
Sted: Dublin
Varighet: 7 timer
Språk: Italian
Tilgjengelighet: Friday
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  • Alle inngangsbilletter er inkludert, så du kan bestille alt på en gang
  • Ta pause fra byens støy og trafikk for en dag
  • Ta med hele familien – alle vil elske det
  • Ta bilde av de beste øyeblikkene og gjør vennene hjemme misunnelige


Come and discover the beauty of the Irish coast by travelling along the north of Dublin Bay to explore lots of hidden treasures and beautiful spots.

Travel in comfort and stop and the mysterious Casino at Marino to learn all about this little architectural jewel. The next stop will be Malahide Castle which has been inhabited by the Talbot family for over 800 years. It was first a fortress and later expanded adopting a medieval and Georgian style. Admire the peacocks and butterfly greenhouse in the castle gardens.

You'll be able to take a walk from the top of Howth cliffs into the small town. When you've made your way down to its charming port, where you may even spot some seals swimming, there'll be some free time to eat and you choose to taste some of the local fish that the boats bring in freshly from their morning fishing! Before heading back, you'll pass Bull Island, Saint Anne's Park and Fairview.

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Viktig informasjon

  • Please arrive at the meeting point at least 15 minutes before the tour start time
  • Please make sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and waterproof clothing
  • The tour requires a minimum of 5 participants to run
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Guidet tur


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Opphenting/levering på hotellet




Få 100% refundert hvis du avbestiller senest 2 dager før aktiviteten begynner.


Ingen ekstra avgifter legges til denne bestillingen.


The Gresham Hotel, 23 O'Connell Street Upper, Northside, Dublin, Ireland


Please meet outside the entrance of The Gresham Hotel.


Irlanda Tours

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