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Howth guided coastal walk in Dublin

Sted: Dublin
Varighet: 3 timer
Språk: English
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  • Look out over the Baily Lighthouse on the UNESCO Biosphere
  • Escape the crowds on secret trails and insider tracks
  • Get a real connection with the people, nature, land and sea
  • See the Martello Towers built to defend Dublin against Napoleon
  • Spot wildlife such as sea birds, seals, dolphins and porpoises


This tour takes you to the highlights and panoramic views on the east coast of Ireland. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of this ancient and famous Dublin village on an easy-paced walking tour. Explore the harbor and historic coastal village through the eyes of a local who will share their unique insights.

Visit the grounds of the 800-year-old medieval Howth Castle. Follow the secret paths through the woodlands and heathlands to views that HG Wells described as the most beautiful in the world. Enjoy the clifftop scenery as you walk, taking in the sounds and aromas of this peninsula.

Climb to Muck Rock for views of the UNESCO Dublin Bay Biosphere and the east coast. Admire the cliff path and views of Howth Harbour, Ireland's Eye and Lambay Island. Then take a stroll through the village visiting St Mary's Abbey on the way, which was founded by the Viking King Sitric in 1042. Learn more about the unique position of Ireland's safest and most reliable port. There are lots to discover and great photo opportunities along the entire route.

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Viktig informasjon

Not suitable for:

  • children under 12 years old
  • people with limited mobility

Know in advance:

  • the maximum number of participants is 13 people
  • this tour is suitable for healthy pregnant women

Remember to bring:

  • a light waterproof, gloves, scarf, and hat in a backpack
  • some water and a snack to enjoy en route
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Guidet rundtur til fots


Få 100 EUR refundert hvis du avbestiller senest 48 timer før aktiviteten begynner.


Ingen ekstra avgifter legges til denne bestillingen.


Howth Market, Dublin, Ireland


Meet your guide outside Bodega Cafe at the entrance to Howth Market opposite Howth Train Station. Please arrive at the meeting point at least 15 minutes before the activity starts.


Howth Adventures

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