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La Spezia traditional food tour

Gratis kansellering
Sted: La Spezia
Varighet: 3 timer
Språk: English, Italian, French, Spanish
Tilgjengelighet: Please see calendar
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  • Experience a progressive meal walking in La Spezia city center
  • Enjoy traditional dishes and the best street food specialties
  • Learn about the city's mixed culinary foods from Liguria and Tuscany


On this tour, you'll discover the food scene in this beautiful part of Italy, La Spezia, enjoying traditional dishes and the best street food specialties.

La Spezia is a small town and the best place to stay while visiting the amazing Cinque Terre. Surrounded by other beautiful places like Porto Venere and Pisa, La Spezia has inherited a mixed culinary tradition combining the foods of Liguria and Tuscany.

This dining experience incorporates five different eateries with foods ranging between traditional and street food styles. The walking tour will start with an entrée and ending with a typical Italian dessert or a delicious ice cream. You will taste some of the following foods on this tour (according to products availability):

  • Sgabei and Frisceu: Small fried pancakes with vegetables and fritters made from bread dough
  • Panissa and Gattafin: Typical of Liguria Street Food, Panissa is made with chickpea flour and water. Gattafin are herbs, eggs and greens filled Ravioli served fried
  • Mesciua: A local soup made from chickpeas, beans and wheat grains
  • Testaroli or Panigacci: A sort of pancake, boiled and enriched with pesto, oil, parmesan cheese and mushroom sauce, baked and served with cheese and cured meat
  • Fried Calamari and Anchovies: Locally caught fresh fish, cooked directly by the fishermen
  • Farinata: A delicious chickpea pancake cooked in a flaming oven
  • Ice cream or dessert: Enjoy the finest artisanal treats in La Spezia
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Viktig informasjon

  • You will be asked to specify any dietary requirements at the time of booking
  • There will be a minimum of one food serving at each stop with drink including water, wine or beer/soft drinks (in fixed amounts)
  • Tour requires a minimum of 2 adults per booking and there is a maximum policy of 12 people per tour
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3-hour walking tour

Local foodie and multi-lingual guide

5 food tasting stops

One serving minimum at each stop with drinks

Ikke inkludert

Gratuities (optional)

Hotel pick-up and drop-off


Få 100% refundert hvis du avbestiller senest 24 timer før aktiviteten begynner.


Ingen ekstra avgifter legges til denne bestillingen.


Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi, 28, 19122 La Spezia SP


Meet your local food guide in Piazza G. Garibaldi, in the city center.


Do Eat Better Experience

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Telefonnummer: +47 67792587