Pesto cooking class in LevantoPesto cooking class in Levanto2.jpegPesto cooking class in Levanto.jpgPesto cooking class in Levanto.jpg
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Kurs og workshops

Pesto cooking class in Levanto

Gratis kansellering
Sted: La Spezia
Gyldighet: Fleksibel
Språk: English, Italian
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  • Make the traditional Genovese Pesto sauce
  • Learn how to use the traditional marble mortar
  • Enjoy your hand-made sauce with a glass of wine and some local snacks


Since 1976 in the historical center of Levanto, the Pesto laboratory has prepared the most ancient and well-known sauce in the world. In this laboratory, you will have the chance to learn how to make the Pesto sauce with your own hands following the tradition.

After having tasted a glass of sparkling wine accompanied with a local extra virgin olive oil on a Bruschetta, you could taste the Pesto sauce made with the modern method. You will also assist in the demonstration and explanation of the Pesto sauce making with the mortar. Then you will make your own pesto sauce with the mortar with your hands: you will have to wash and dry the basil leaves, pounding them together with salt, pine nuts and garlic, add the parmesan cheese and at the end the extra virgin olive oil. You will get a concentrated and fragrant Pesto cream, which could be used like Pasta sauce or on a slice of bruschetta.

At the end, you will enjoy your own made Pesto sauce with a glass of white wine and some typical local products, such as Taggiasche olives (small and black olives), Bruschetta with anchovies and a typical pastry with Limoncino.

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Viktig informasjon

  • The minimum age to take part in this activity is 18
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Pesto cooking class with mortar

Pesto tasting

Olive oil tasting

Glass of wine and local appetizers

Printed recipe

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Pick up and drop-off service


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Corso Italia, 16, 19015 Levanto SP, Italy


At La Nicchia Pestifera. From Levanto train station, follow the signs to the city center. You will be walking along Corso Roma. Turn left into Corso Italia and a little before the public gardens you’ll find the number 16 on your left.


Arbaspàa srl

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