Typical Norwegian "Ut på Tur, Aldri Sur" private walking tour
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Typical Norwegian "Ut på Tur, Aldri Sur" private walking tour

Gratis kansellering
Sted: Oslo
Varighet: 3 timer
Språk: English, Italian, French, Spanish, German, Norwegian
Tilgjengelighet: Every day
Voucher på mobil aksepteres


  • Learn about Norwegian culture and history
  • Admire the impressive National Opera House
  • Walkthrough the area of Karl Johans Gate
  • Enjoy the freedom to adapt the tour to your wishes
  • See the Royal Palace and Akershus Fortress


Have you ever heard of “Ut på tur, aldri sur” - the Norwegian rhyme which translates to “out on a trip, never sour”? Don’t worry, your guide will help with the pronunciation!

Rain or shine, you’ll see locals enjoying the many bike lanes, forest hiking paths and ski slopes throughout the country. Put on your weather-appropriate gear and discover the meaning of “ut på tur, aldri sur” in Oslo’s city center. Set off from the Nobel Peace Center, located along the harborside of Aker Brygge. Surrounded by the likes of Oslo City Hall and Akershus Fortress, uncover the stories of Oslo, right down to when Oslo received its name. It once had a different name! Strolling towards the water, a building appears in the distance, rising from the sea. In front of you lies the Oslo Opera House, home to the Norwegian National Opera & Ballet. Unique to the Oslo Opera are the performances held on the roof a few times yearly. You don’t need to be royalty to enjoy this exclusive experience!

To get in touch with your inner Norwegian, cover topics like customs and traditions, holiday celebrations and typical Norwegian food, all while enjoying a “koselig” time at a local café with a pastry and a coffee. Refreshed after your stop, you’ll finish the A to Zs of “Ut på tur, aldri sur” with Oslo University, the Royal Palace and the National Theatre.

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Viktig informasjon

  • This is a private walking tour (approximate walking distance of 3.8km) which you can adapt to your interests and wishes, so do not hesitate to ask your guide for requests
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Guidet tur

Privat rundtur

Kaffe eller te

Ikke inkludert

Tips (valgfritt)


Få 100% refundert hvis du avbestiller senest 3 dager før aktiviteten begynner.


Ingen ekstra avgifter legges til denne bestillingen.


Brynjulf Bulls plass 1, 0250 Oslo, Norway


Meet your guide outside the entrance of the Nobel Peace Center. Please be at the meeting point at least 10 minutes before the departure time.



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