Half-day tour from Hue - The ancient painting crafts of Sinh Village and  the Thuy Xuan incense village2021072260f8fd22b77a9.png2021072260f8fd22dbdee.png2021072260f8fd24033e0.png2021072260f8fd23e30ce.png2021072260f8fd22cee81.png
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Half-day tour from Hue - The ancient painting crafts of Sinh Village and the Thuy Xuan incense village

Gratis kansellering
Sted: Hue
Varighet: opptil 4 timer
Språk: English
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  • Truc Chi paper - Addition to Hue craft villages as a new cultural feature.
  • Find a peaceful place in Thuy Xuan incense village in the heart of Hue ancient capital.
  • Discover how to create a palm-leaf conical hat, a famous hat in Vietnam.


Sinh village is also known as Lai An village with its famous folk painting industry. Sinh village is like a cultural village of the ancient capital, where ancient painting crafts are kept. Perhaps due to the ancient traditions still in existence, the woodblock printing industry in Sinh, from its inception, was not purely a line of paintings that served elegant play, but mostly in need beliefs, used to worship, to chemical in the ceremony for peace, relief.

Specializing in researching, creating, and designing works/artworks made from bamboo paper, only in Hue and by Hue people. That place is named Truc Chi Garden. Truc Chi Garden is both a workplace for 15 famous artists, artists, designers, graphic artists in Hue, and a place to display hundreds of products with many unique designs and designs of Truc Chi.

But if you want to feel all of Hue, you should make a trip back to the Thuy Xuan incense village. Spring where talented artists are day by day preserving the tradition of "the soul" of the Vietnamese nation.

Coming here, you will witness firsthand the stages of making an incense tree. From the selection of raw materials, including five herbs of cinnamon with cinnamon, cardamom, buds, cloves, anise; In addition, it also includes forest grapefruit peel, dried grapefruit flowers, cinnamon, eucalyptus ... to make incense. Then to the stage as core incense. Incense core is made from split bamboo core, sun exposure for days to dry and brittle.

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Viktig informasjon

  • The minimum number of participants required per booking is 2 adults
  • This tour is limited to 15 participants to ensure a more personalized experience
  • The participants have to be ready in the hotel's lobby at least 15 mins prior to the pick-up time
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Pick-up and drop-off from/to Hotels in Hue City Center (Vĩnh Ninh, Phú Nhuận, Phú Hội, Thuận Thành, Thuận Hoà, Phú Hoà area only)

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Få 100% refundert hvis du avbestiller senest 24 dager før aktiviteten begynner.


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You will be asked to provide your pick-up address and contact number at the time of booking.



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