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Special Batur Caldera sunrise hike and Batur natural hot spring201906295d16f239b8b55.jpeg202002295e59f6668f60e.JPG2021070760e50269dece9.jpeg2021070760e5026e3eabf.jpeg2021070760e5027357163.jpeg2021070760e50273ec96a.jpeg2021070760e5027878724.jpeg2021070760e502b41499a.jpeg2021070960e81da9f27d6.jpeg
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Special Batur Caldera sunrise hike and Batur natural hot spring

Gratis avbokning
Plats: Bali
Längd:: 10 timmar
Språk: English
E-biljett i mobilen gäller


  • Marvel at the fantastic view of both the ocean and Batur lake
  • Discover Mount Agung
  • Enjoy tasting local herb teas and coffee

Det här kan du se fram emot

The Batur Caldera is one of the best beautiful places in the world, located in northeastern Bali Island.

The Batur Caldera gives a fantastic view of both the ocean and Batur lake. On the right side, you can see Mount Batur and Batur Lake and from the left side you can see the ocean and Mount Agung. By the side of the lake, there’s a natural hot spring that will help you relax after your climb.

On your way back from the trek you'll stop off at a traditional Bali coffee processing plant to see various tropical plantations and learn how to make Balinese coffee in a very traditional process. Don't miss the chance to get to sample them as well as local herbal teas and coffee.

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Viktig information

  • Sport shoes, long pants & jacket, swimsuit & slipper were recommended
  • Please bring your camera to capture your own angle
  • Pregnant and during their period women are not allowed to join the experience
  • The minimum participant required is 2 adults
  • The minimum age of participants is 3 years old
  • The Maximum age of participants is 75 years old
  • The starting time is between 2 am.- 3 am.

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I priset ingår

Kintamani Entrance ticket

Batur Natural Hot Spring Entrance Ticket

Traditional boat fee



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100% återbetalas om du avbokar senast 24 timmar före utflykten/aktiviteten.


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  • You will confirm your pickup time and location directly with the local operator
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Telefonnummer:: +46 850282559