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Vodka tasting experience in Warsaw

Want to immerse yourself in the ultimate local experience in Warsaw? Join our Vodka Xperience and quickly discover the various vodka styles to find out which one you love the most!

Have you ever wondered how vodka is made and what the different types represent? Perhaps you haven't been a fan because you aren't familiar with the fascinating stories behind each brand. Whether you love vodka or not, we aim to make you fall in love with it. During our 1.5-hour vodka tasting session, you'll sample 6 different types of Polish vodka while learning about the history of this beloved beverage from one of our knowledgeable Vodka Xperts. The entire Xperience takes place in a centrally located venue renowned for such tastings. Alongside the drinks, you'll also enjoy a small snack typically paired with vodka in Poland. Prepare for an entertaining time filled with amazing stories and a lot of fun.

Don't forget to add our Vodka Xperience to your must-do list when visiting the Polish capital!

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Bra att veta

Gratis avbokning
Plats: Warszawa
Längd:: 1 timme 30 minuter
Språk: English, Polish
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Ytterligare information

Omedelbar bekräftelse
Skippa kön
Subject expert guide
Elektronisk biljett
Officiell återförsäljare
Guidad rundtur
Privat rundtur
Private group


  • Meet a fun & friendly local Vodka Guide
  • Get to know the history of vodka and its production
  • Try 2-3 typical Polish food bites that go amazingly with vodka
  • Enjoy 6 shots of traditional Polish vodka at one local venue
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Viktig information

Know in advance:

  • Please note that your group may be the only one at the time of booking, but additional people can join.
  • Dress code: Smart Casual
  • Minimum drinking age: 18
  • Tour is offered for private groups of 4-30 people
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Ändrade planer?

100% återbetalas om du avbokar senast 24 timmar före utflykten/aktiviteten.

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I priset ingår

  • Inträdesavgifter
  • Drycker
  • Guidad tur
  • Matprovning
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Vad som inte är inkluderat

  • Hämtning/avlämning på hotell
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Inga extra bokningsavgifter tillkommer.

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Kameralna Restauracja Warszawa, Mikołaja Kopernika, Warsaw, Poland


Meet your guide at the bar Kameralna Restaurant, Mikołaja Kopernika 3, 00-367 Warsaw


Xperience Spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia Spolka Komandytowa

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