When people think of sushi the first and usually only thing that comes to mind is raw fish. But this isn’t for everyone. In reality even traditional sushi is a very diverse food that uses all kinds of traditional and seasonal ingredients. Some of the best and most uniquely Japanese ingredients are already vegan. Choose between temari zushi rolls with vegetables, or chirashi zushi which is a style of eating sushi where multiple ingredients are prepared over a bowl of rice. After picking your favourite sushi type, you will learn to make the perfect seasonal vegetable sushi. Season the rice to perfection, then prepare the vegetables under the expert guidance of real pros. Finish the meal with a dashi stock soup. While dashi is usually made from fish, the specialist chefs will show you the secrets to getting a meat free alternative with the same delicious flavours of the original.
The meal you will be preparing:
Choose between two menu options which come with miso soup: Opt 1 Vegan temari zushi or Opt 2 Vegan chirashi zushi.
Not suitable:
Know in advance:
Cooking class
Roundtrip transportation
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 72 hours before the experience begins.
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
To see which pickup points are available, check under availability & prices.
Would you like some help making a booking? Or perhaps you just want to ask a few questions. Whatever the reason, don't hesitate to get in touch.
Opening hours: Our team is available from 10.00 to 18.00 CET
Phone number: +1 208-744-6464