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Guided tour Johannis cemetery and Hesperid Gardens Nuremberg

Discover the Johannis cemetery and the Hesperid Gardens on a guided tour.

The cemetery of St. Johannis is considered one of the most famous burial places in Europe. Admire the most beautiful cemetery in Germany and see graves of patricians, craftsmen, artists and politicians. Discover ornate epitaphs commemorating the deceased and their families. Learn more about Nuremberg's city history along the way. Pass by Hesperid Gardens, which served for recreation, but also for the cultivation of southern fruits.

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Detalles principales

Lugar: Núremberg
Duración: hasta 1 hora 30 minutos
Idiomas: Alemán
Se acepta el bono en el móvil

Detalles extra

Confirmación al momento
Visita guiada
Local touch


  • Discover Nuremberg's green district Johannis
  • Admire the most beautiful cemetery in Germany
  • See the Hesperid Gardens
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Información importante

  • Unfortunately, this tour is not accessible to wheelchair users
  • The Hesperid Gardens can be visited only between May and October
  • Please wear sturdy shoes and weatherproof clothing
  • If you are a person with a severely disabled ID or a student, please select the ticket option "Reduced" at check-out
  • This activity is only available in German

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Política de cancelación

Por favor, ten en cuenta que esta experiencia no es reembolsable, incluso si se cancela con bastante antelación

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  • Visita guiada
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Cargo por reserva

¡Buenas noticias! Esta reserva no tiene ningún cargo adicional

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Lindengasse 42, 90419 Nuremberg, Germany

Lugar de encuentro:

Meet your guide at the East Entrance of the St. Johannis Cemetery on the corner of Lindengasse and Johannisstraße. Your guide will wear a badge and the association logo "Die Stadtführer e. V.".

Organizado por

Verein der Gästeführer Nürnbergs "Die Stadtführer" e.V.

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