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Beer brewing course with hearty snack in Schwetzingen
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Beer brewing course with hearty snack in Schwetzingen

Sijainti: Schwetzingen
Kesto: 5 tuntia–6 tuntia
Kieli: German
Mobiililippu hyväksytään


  • Learn interesting facts about the art of brewing beer
  • Brew your own beer under professional guidance
  • Enjoy a hearty snack
  • Get helpful information about the implementation of home brewing equipment

Retken kuvaus

Would you like to brew your own beer one day? Learn in this course how beer production works and brew your first own beer.

In this workshop, you will actively carry out step by step, together with your instructor, the entire process of brewing beer from heating the mash to filling it into the steamer. In addition, you will be given information about the various processes of beer production and get presented different implementation options of a home brewing system. After a maturing period of approx. 5 weeks you can then pick up your 6 bottles of beer or have them sent to you.

A hearty snack rounds off your beer brewing course.

Lue lisää

Tärkeä tietää

  • Minimum age for participation: 18 years. Please note that younger children cannot participate in the activity for safety reasons
  • This course takes place with a number of participants from 6 - 18 people
  • Parts of the workshop or brewing process will take place outdoors. Please dress accordingly
  • This activity is only available in German
Lue lisää

Retken hintaan sisältyy

Aperitif to welcome you

6 bottles of your self-brewed beer after a storage period of about 5 weeks

Hearty snack

Drinks (mineral water, wine, beer, soft drinks, juices, coffee)


Documents by email after the course

Retken hintaan ei sisälly

Shipping of the homebrewed beer (optional, shipping fee 10 € per person)


Saat 50% hyvityksen, jos peruutat viimeistään 8 päivää ennen kuin aktiviteetti alkaa., Saat 25% hyvityksen, jos peruutat viimeistään 1 päivä ennen kuin aktiviteetti alkaa.


Hyviä uutisia! Tähän varaukseen ei kuulu lisämaksuja.


Eichenweg 11, 68723 Schwetzingen, Deutschland

Retken tarjoaja

Barbara´s Kochschule

Tarvitsetko apua?

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Aukioloajat: Olemme avoinna ympäri vuorokauden

Puhelinnumero: +358942552265