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Discover Manchester's music scene with a local guide - See the city unscripted20210302603e4a7341406.jpg20210302603e4a76e0faa.jpg20210302603e4a781fb55.jpg
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Discover Manchester's music scene with a local guide - See the city unscripted

Ilmainen peruutus
Sijainti: Manchester
Kesto: 3 tuntia
Kieli: English
Saatavuus: Daily
Mobiililippu hyväksytään


  • Discover Manchester music city with a local music lover
  • Enjoy a drink in a former public bathroom
  • Explore the UK's best city for live music
  • See the location of a famous Sex Pistols performance

Retken kuvaus

Manchester is a music city. There are more live music shows in this city than anywhere else in the country. No wonder it has recently been crowned the UK’s best for live music. Join your guide to explore the musical legacy intertwined with industrial roots.

During the tour, you will visit legendary music spots such as the Free Trade Hall where the Sex Pistols held their infamous gig. You may recognize the location from one of the album covers of The Smiths, the Sex Pistols inspired them as well as members of Joy Division, the Buzzcocks, and Salford Lads’ Club with this famous performance.

Your guide will then lead you to a subterranean bar that was once a public bathroom which somehow became the inspiration for an Elbow song. Finally, you will head to the upcoming Northern Quarter to visit Piccadilly Records to flip through some vinyl.

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Tärkeä tietää

  • Tickets are set as a group price. At checkout you can select 1 ticket matching the number of adults (for a maximum of 8 adults per group) and, in case you have any, also 1 ticket matching the number of children in your group
  • In case you have any infants in your group, then please also specify the number of infants during checkout (tickets for infants are free but still need to be added to cart)
  • Starting times are flexible, please confirm the starting time of your choice with the local operator
  • Meet your guide at your accommodation or any central location in Manchester, contact local operator to confirm the starting point using the contact details on the booking voucher
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Retken hintaan sisältyy

Private and personalized walking tour

Local guide

2 craft beers or ales

Meet up at accommodation (available on request for central locations)

Retken hintaan ei sisälly

Food and additional drinks

Any tickets to attractions

Transportation to/ from meeting point

Public/private transportation during the tour


Saat 100% hyvityksen, jos peruutat viimeistään 24 tuntia ennen kuin aktiviteetti alkaa.


Hyviä uutisia! Tähän varaukseen ei kuulu lisämaksuja.


Manchester, UK


Meet your guide at your accommodation or any central location in Manchester. To organize pick-up, contact local operator directly to confirm the time and place.

Retken tarjoaja


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